Installing Feather on Tails

Installation will only take a few minutes to complete.

The estimated storage requirement is ~30 MB.

Configuring the persistent volume

Tails is an amnesic operating system. By default, files are not saved to your USB drive and are thus lost after the computer is restarted. Only files stored on the persistent volume are kept across different working sessions.

We strongly recommend that you store Feather on the persistent volume. This way, you won’t have to reinstall Feather and restore your wallets each time you start Tails.

You need to configure the persistent volume before you can use it. If you have already configured the persistent volume, skip ahead to the next section.

Go to Applications → System Tools → Configure persistent volume.

Enter a strong password to protect the persistent volume. Files on the persistent volume are encrypted with your password.

Follow through the remaining screens. You do not need to enable any additional settings.

You must restart Tails before you can continue with the installation. When you get to the Tails greeter enter your password to unlock the persistent volume.

The persistent volume will show up in the File Browser as a folder named Persistent. You can quickly access it from the sidebar.

Downloading Feather

Download the latest AppImage for Tails from

After the download is complete, move the AppImage to a folder within your persistent volume (Home → Persistent).

Verifying the download (optional)

This section describes how to verify the AppImage file using PGP.

Download the release signing key from the git repository. To save the file from Tor Browser: right click → Save Page As.. → Save. (For alternative ways of obtaining the release signing key, see: Release signing key)

Go back to and download the signature file for the Tails AppImage.

Place both files in the same directory as the AppImage. You should now have a folder that contains feather-x.x.x.AppImage, feather-x.x.x-AppImage.asc and featherwallet.asc.

In the file browser, right click on some empty space and select Open in Terminal.

In the Terminal enter: gpg --import featherwallet.asc and press enter. The output should contain a line that says:

gpg: key 0x1F76E155CEFBA71C: public key "FeatherWallet <>" imported

Now enter: gpg --list-keys and press enter. The output should contain a line that says:

Key fingerprint = 8185 E158 A333 30C7 FD61 BC0D 1F76 E155 CEFB A71C

Make sure the fingerprint shown above matches the output in your terminal. Only the letters and digits matter, you may ignore any extra or missing spaces.

If the fingerprint does not match, do not continue the installation. Instead, report this incident to the developers.

Now enter: gpg --verify feather-x.x.x.AppImage.asc and press enter. Replace x.x.x with the correct version. If the signature is valid, the output should contain the following line:

gpg: Good signature from "FeatherWallet <>" [unknown]

If the signature is invalid, do not continue with the installation. Instead, report this incident to the developers immediately.

After verification is complete you can delete both .asc files.

Starting Feather

Right click on the AppImage → Properties → Permissions. Make sure “Allow executing file as program” is enabled. You will only have to do this once.

To start Feather simply double click on the AppImage. If the program doesn’t start, try right click → Run.

Having trouble getting Feather to start? Please contact the developers.