Primary address
What is the primary address?
A Monero wallet has one primary address. On mainnet this address starts with a ‘4’.
The primary address is a valid Monero address and can be used to receive funds. (But we recommend that you don’t, unless you have to!)
You may need your primary address when you are:
- Solo-mining
- Creating a view-only wallet
- Transacting with a service that does not accept subaddresses
If you are transaction with a service that does not accept addresses starting with an ‘8’, please ask them to add support for subaddresses. This requires very little effort on their part.
Why is the primary address hidden by default from the Receive tab?
The primary address is hidden by default to discourage address re-use.
How can I show the primary address on the Receive tab?
Right-click the table header → Show change address. You may also need to select Show used addresses if the address has ever received funds.
Where can I find my primary address?
You can find it in Wallet → Keys.